Photo by Chris Lee
Banner Photo by Raul Rodriguez


Teaching conducting is one of my biggest passions. I received amazing mentorship from my teachers in my journey as a conductor, and it is my mission to help others who want to pursue the path of becoming a conductor and sharing music with others.

Robert L. Poster Apprentice Conducting Program | New York, NY

I currently teach 14 conducting students ranging in age 14-22 through New York Youth Symphony’s Robert L. Poster Apprentice Conducting Program. For many aspiring conductors in this age group, it is difficult to find opportunities to study conducting and receive podium time, as most conducting programs begin at the master’s level in the United States. Our program fills this important void.

Aspiring conductors in the program receive classroom instruction on foundational skills including aural skills and keyboard skills as wells as on requisite knowledge to read orchestral scores both silently and at the piano. They observe orchestra rehearsals to witness the process of how to lead an orchestra from the first rehearsal to the concert. They also receive podium time both with the studio ensemble consisting of conducting students themselves as well as with the full NYYS Orchestra. Perhaps most importantly, they have opportunities to collaborate with NYYS Composition students on leading readings and performances of new compositions, taking charge of the entire process. Lastly, to supplement all their work, they receive regular individual lessons from me.

The Conducting Institute | Fort Worth, TX, and Online

Founded by Miguel Harth-Bedoya, the Conducting Institute has grown to offer four programs year round. Our largest program is the summer program, consisting of three weeks of intensive study of all aspects of conducting, including classes on ear training, fundamental knowledge, and podium time with orchestra. Our winter program offers one week of study on a single major work of orchestral repertoire and is designed for the conductors to experience all aspects of preparing a work, from the first encounter to creating a polished musical result. Our fall and spring weekend intensives is unique in that we allow participants to select their own repertoire to suit their individual needs. For all of our programs, conductors get to work with a lab orchestra consisting of top caliber students from major schools and conservatories around the United States.

I believe in our work at the Conducting Institute because it is a rare program that provides a holistic approach in the study of conducting. Our programs don’t simply consist of discussing the physical aspects of conducting on the podium. We start by giving the conductors the tools to learn a score in a thorough and meaningful way and help them through the process of applying that study on the podium. It’s not about looking good, but about serving the music and the musicians.

Private Instruction

I currently maintain a small private studio. Whether you are looking to learn more about conducting or preparing to apply or audition at graduate programs, my teaching is based on helping you build the fundamental skills and knowledge you need. Please be in touch via the contact form, and we can discuss the best way of working together!